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Daily Sketch - Day 9 (8/19): Here We Come

On this final day of the 4th IYLA, almost 600 participants from nearly 80 nations attended IYLA at the United Nations. Here, an inspiring panel of diplomats from the United Nations, including members from parliaments around the world, young entrepreneurs, and chairmen and CEOs from international organizations gathered to share their vision with the world.

With such an overwhelming outpouring of heart and sincerity, it is difficult to fully express every message that was delivered at the UN today under the theme of “Moral and Innovative Leadership: Vision, Service, and Entrepreneurship”. That being said, I would like to share the words that struck me the most today. I leave these precious words for you, open to interpretation and inspiration.

“People who build people are heroes. People who build things are engineers.” -Hon. Jacob L’Okori (Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Uganda)

“If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel with others.” -African Proverb


“Let a noble vision guide your steps.” -James P. Flynn (International President Global Peace Foundation)

“You are not future leaders. You are leaders of now.” - John Dickson (Chairman, Global Young Leaders Academy)

“Practice perseverance. Be bold. Be vulnerable. Be honest.” -Rachael Baxter (Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Conscious Magazine)

“When you go back home, make your dreams, then make it happen.” -Gugun Gumilar (Masters Program Student, Hartford Seminary, Aspiring Future Indonesian President)

“It’s not so much about leaving your comfort zone, but expanding your comfort zone.” -Kimihira Miyake (Director, Global Peace Youth)

“Always live and lead with heart.” -Magali Caceres (Executive Director IYLA Paraguay 2014)

“No matter how successful you become, never forget your roots...give back to your country, give back to the’s your people who need you the most.” -Adriana Calderon (Deputy Executive Director, IYLA USA 2015)


We are blessed with unique opportunities, knowledge, and talents throughout our lives. Once in a while we are lucky enough to attend programs like the International Young Leaders Assembly where we get to share all these gifts with people from around the world. We inspire the best in each other because our vision is not about ourselves, but our whole extended worldwide family. As we say goodbye-for-now the challenge is to carry on this vision, to live for the betterment of today, never putting it off for “someday”.

My hope for these young leaders is that they will be able to recognize just how much potential they have and channel their greatness, their passion into creating a world that lives for a better tomorrow by changing today.

Look out, world. Here we come.

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